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Effective Keyword Research

Of course getting on the first page of Google with a high relevance keyword gives a webmaster enormous satisfaction, especially when it leaves behind a competitor with an older domain, higher authority and better links. Still, how many of the craved keywords actually help us in reaching the purpose we set for our website and how big our effort needs be to get the objective done without an additional cost?

Keywords respect the same old marketing principle and are mainly separated into four distinctive types:

  1. The ones nobody searches – simple words present all over the web pages which are not necessarily searched by anyone, don’t bring visits to the site and they are not helping you to get into the search.
  2. The ones nobody searches but are used for SEO optimizations – they are mainly part of the special terms in a niche related strictly to the products or services provided by that niche and they are mainly picked out subjectively under the intuition of the moment. A more accurate research will help eliminate or reduce the too redundant terms irrelevant for the search
  3. The ones everybody searches and are SEO targeted– For these words the competition is fierce, everybody trying to get a higher frequency of them in the used content and the results are seldom the ones expected.
  4. The ones everybody searches without being SEO targeted – an accurate keyword analysis will most likely help the relevance factor and help bring visitors to the site. Synchronizing the search terms with the relevant keywords is indeed something not easy to do but a strategy can bring results exactly from the targeted audience.

For an efficient keyword research we must be careful about these very important steps:

  • The general keywords ( sets of 1-2 words) have a lot of search results in Google ( high traffic potential), but they cannot generate conversions.
  • The general keywords are highly craved by the competition and consume a lot of resources and a lot of time and effort.
  • The general keywords represent only 30% of the total number of searches conducted on the search engines, the rest being long tail keywords.

To make the keyword research even more efficient so that they will generate conversions, it is necessary to discover the so-called “search buy cycle” the users follow when looking a product or service on the internet.

Here are the steps:

  • The search based on interest will get you visitors that used general keywords to get the information about the product or service they are interested in
  • The search based on research makes the visitors use supplementary keywords to refine the search and decide on a specific product or service
  • The search resulting in buying action is created using long tail keywords which are used by the visitors meant to identify the lowest price and the benefits of the purchase.

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