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What Is Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a product destined for the web sites analysis, offering to the web site owners statistics on the traffic registered by the site, details about the way visitors found and accessed their web pages and a series of information about the interaction patterns of the site visitors.

Probably the best web service, Google Analytics is offered for free. Behind the first page which offers a series of general data about the quantity elements ( number of visitors per site, the map of the visitors locations, the sources from which the traffic arrived like keywords and links) are hidden complex reports of the quality elements ( loyalty, AdWords campaign efficiency, the most frequently visited pages, etc…)

For all the data offered you can use the Cross Segment analysis isolating certain segment reports, traffic sources, keywords, visitors, country, town…etc.

Google Analytics allows you to access detailed information about the traffic towards the site and the behavior pattern of the visitors, what sections of the site get the most hits, etc… In the mean time this application offers the option to observe certain sections of the site which bring the largest income.

Due to the support integrated into the AdWords platform, you can measure the efficiency of your online campaign. Even more with this realistic data you can optimize the campaign an minimize the cost.

All the above make Google Analytics more than just a traffic analysis service and takes it a bit closer to a marketing instrument helping you to make the investment in online promotion.

Implementing the Google Analytics code is in many cases very easy to do. Still without the proper guiding the results can come out a bit unrealistic mixing the organic traffic with the PPC campaign results, banner advertising and e-mail marketing.

The right way to go is to get consultancy before you start using it.

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